Archive for September 29, 2008


Even the memory of today will return to the moon…

; ; ; Long post ahead ; ; ;

:O Hello hello! It’s been a while…But! At least September is ending! To me, it feels as if September was extremely long. And Halloween is next month! YAY! Another excuse to cosplay. But I don’t know as who..Any suggestions? My brother said Macross but…ehh.

Hmm, oh yeah. I’ve been working on some cosplay lately. Taking a chance with this one actually, seeing as hardly anyone would know who it is…

LOL! That’s right! Patchmeiling! I’m only doing it because I liked the outfit >.> And I’ll be doing Flan-Meiling some other time…I liked the outfit for her too. ;D And now, an obligatory progress picture~

Please excuse my messy room. Didn’t bother to clean it. LOL The fabric is more purple in person. I just didn’t bother to turn any more lights on or put flash. >.>

Also, recently I bought some new stuff! LIKE MY GENKI PHOTOBOOK AND DVD!!

With the postcards the dvd came with! 😀 I love buying men’s dvds. They always come with postcards. My Saitou Takumi dvd came with them too…Nfu. ❤ Oh god, Genki’s dvd = sex! I didn’t even know Genki could be…hot! >.> I mean, to me he’s cute in a super nerdy otaku kind of way and that makes me like him. But holy shit. When he was rolling around on the beach with nothing on but pants and…on the table with the sheets…HNNNNGGGGG. WHO KNEW. And his body is hot. Who would’ve known that under all of those baggy clothes would be such a built Genki! <333 Oh, at the end of the DVD he has a little interview thing. He basically says it was the first time he ever had to get his passport, he found it hard to talk to people and tried using english, and he had alot of fun. 🙂

LOL I just realized that if my mother found my Men’s DVDs, she’d kill me. Thinking it was porn or something. XD Then again, I doubt she’d take the time to look through my room for stuff like that. …I just realized that if she did do that, she would find my doujinshi. …Well, lets hope she doesn’t get bored one day. Haha.

Speaking of my mother, she bought me some new headphones!:

YUS. They’re purple and black obviously. The blue is just my shirt being reflected. XD But yeah, she knows I like purple and big headphones. ❤ She’s also being more supportive of my cosplay. It was kind of weird. I went to JoAnn to find stuff for my PatchMeiling and she was actually helping me find fabric choices and buttons and stuff like that. I was kind of weirded out. She usually just stands off to the side until I’m done buying what I need. But it makes me happy. 😀 She finally understands why I cosplay. Because I like it. She probably still finds it a waste of money, but she saw my progress on PatchMeiling and she looked pretty happy. And now she asks me how my sewing is going and what I’m doing. Yay!

Mina came over on..Friday by the way. We went to this new cafe and tried out some new teas and cake. WHICH WERE FUCKWIN BY THE WAY. ❤ The tea I tried was called “Heaven’s Mist”. Mmm, tasted like it. LOL It tasted like strawberries but not too strong, it was very light. Pretty cheap too, only about $3.75 for 3 servings. And we had some delicious cake. I wanted to try the Mont-Blanc but I had a Fondant Au Chocolate instead…Which was still good. It came with ice cream. With the cutest spoon ever! Atfer that we headed home and went to the store because we were going to cook dinner. Haha, we passed by the Karaoke bar near my house and OMFG YES! I need to go karaoke soon!! They have Kiseki from ROOKIES! I NEED TO SING IT. Because obviously, I can’t do that enough at home. XD I neeeeeed to~ We also watched Dumb and Dumber, took pictures and burned things in my room.. What an interesting night.

And today…I worked on my PatchMeiling some more and worked on homework. I have a kanji test coming up this week so yeah. Kanji isn’t really my thing…I can remember some from romanizing songs but when I get tested on them, I’ll blank out. ;_; But a senpai from class was uber nice and gave me a list with all the kanji already written. ❤ [Senpai arigatou ne~] It’s kind of weird actually. Last year, everybody was so distant and in their own little group of friends but this year, everyone is just…together. I’m talking to people I would have never talked to last year and it’s kind of weird but I’m not hating it.

AND AND AND! I’ve been listening to alot of Kagrra, lately. I was cleaning out my music folders and ran across my old Kagrra, videos…Mainly the Kagrra no Su ones. And they got my listening again..To me, Kagrra, is one of the only jrock bands I could never hate. I’ve been listening to them since..about 2004. :O Damn, longer than I thought. But anyways, yeah…And then it got me thinking about Jrock Revolution…Ohh man..those two nights will forever be engraved into my mind. How often can a girl say Shin from Kagrra, waved to her? Or Hiroto from Alice Nine? Or Yukke from MUCC?<3 ..Do I have any more fond jrock memories… damn what year was that, 2005 I think…I got a kiss from Riku from ex-Phantasmagoria, now Chariots. :O And Kisaki too. I’ve met the Candy Spooky Theatre..Oh and Mana too. And Wataru and Sakai from 12012…LOL Oh my god, I just remembered my diamond pose with Wataru. Err… Weirdo kept staring at my legs. And…kept petting my head…Maybe he’s a pedo. LOL just kidding! And catching Kaoru’s(dir en grey) guitar pick at the last dir en grey concert I went to…And getting to see SKIN perform..

Man, what happened to those good old days…Oh that’s right, the jrock fandom turned to shit. D:< With all those damn “OMFG SO NYAPPY KAWAII DESU NE =^_^= IM A MOTHERFUCKING CAT NYA NYA NYA” kids. Ugh.  I blame AnCafe. Lol, for ever bringing the term ‘nyappy’ and Bou into this world. I used to like AnCafe, when they first started out. Then I don’t know what happened. It just about died for me. ._.

And that’s about it for me.

PS…I was thinking of doing some shitty scans of my Genki photobook…I got a new scanner and I want to try it out. But I’m not about to tear apart my photobook just for the sake of posting the scans online…If someone can tell me a nice/neat way of doing this, please let me know. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think anyone’s scanned the photobook yet… Am I right? ._.;; well yeah..If there’s a nice way of doing it, minus taking my xacto knife to it, please let me know so I can scan it…If someone wants it. That’s all.

tl;dr version ;;; I do some weird touhou cosplay, buy some new things, hang out with mina, and listen to old jrock music, NOSTALGIA BOMB.

EDIT::: Genki updated his blog 9/29, and he says he wants to cosplay Shimon from Gurren Lagann. I came. HE MUST DO THIS. I CAN PICTURE IT ALREADY. >;D

September 29, 2008 at 8:01 am Leave a comment

September 2008